
no.24 リプロダクション編 マイク・ポンペオ米国務長官Sec. Of State Mike Pompeo’s Remark on Coronavirus Responsibility


今回のリスニング日和は、米国のマイク・ポンペオ国務長官が記者会見で行った発言です。例によって新型コロナウィルス関連なのですが、この発言で特徴的なのが新型コロナウィルスを発生源の武漢を冠して“Wuhan Virus武漢ウィルス“の名称で呼んでいる点。この会見と同日に行われたオンラインG7で米国が“武漢ウィルス”の名称を使うことにこだわったけれどG7の同意は得られなかった、という点について記者に質問された時の答えの一部がこの発言です。ポンペオさんはとても早口ですが、だいたいの時は分かりやすい話をしてくれます。長官になる前は上院議員だった人で、プロンプターを読まないでも適切な語彙を用い自分の考えをそこそこの長さにまとめる能力は、政治家ならでは。国際的に四面楚歌を食らったこの名称ですが論点を整理して強気に攻めています。リズムよく短文を重ねるやり方も説得力を増します

<1回聞いただけで瞬時に理解する力>を鍛えるリプロダクション編です。 構文を直観的に理解し英語を頭ごなしに解釈できるようになったら、ネイティブ感覚のリスニング力もすぐそこ。スピーキングの力も伸ばせる練習です。



準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)

①Warming-up Shadowing 

スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイング。録音は不要。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音する。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。


②Short Reproduction 






You’ll recall, too, /

at the beginning of this, /

when it was clear that this was an issue, /

China knew about it, /

they were the first country to know about the risk to the world from this virus, /

and they repeatedly delayed sharing that information with the globe./

So yes, we desperately want to work with every country around the world. /

This is a global pandemic; /

this is something the United States wants to work with every country,/

including China,/

to figure out how to resolve to keep as many people alive,/

as many people as healthy, /

and then to restore our economies that have been decimated by the Wuhan virus./


③Longer Reproduction

次は1、2文ずつリプロダクションをしていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながら。自分の声を録音する。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していくようにする。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。

You’ll recall, too, at the beginning of this, when it was clear that this was an issue, China knew about it,/

they were the first country to know about the risk to the world from this virus, /

and they repeatedly delayed sharing that information with the globe./

So yes, we desperately want to work with every country around the world. This is a global pandemic; this is something the United States wants to work with every country, including China, /

to figure out how to resolve to keep as many people alive, as many people as healthy, and then to restore our economies that have been decimated by the Wuhan virus./



④Challenge Reproduction 


You’ll recall, too, at the beginning of this, when it was clear that this was an issue, China knew about it, they were the first country to know about the risk to the world from this virus, and they repeatedly delayed sharing that information with the globe./

So yes, we desperately want to work with every country around the world. This is a global pandemic; this is something the United States wants to work with every country, including China, to figure out how to resolve to keep as many people alive, as many people as healthy, and then to restore our economies that have been decimated by the Wuhan virus./

リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。


You’ll recall, too, at the beginning of this, when it was clear that this was an issue, China knew about it, they were the first country to know about the risk to the world from this virus, and they repeatedly delayed sharing that information with the globe.

So yes, we desperately want to work with every country around the world. This is a global pandemic; this is something the United States wants to work with every country, including China, to figure out how to resolve to keep as many people alive, as many people as healthy, and then to restore our economies that have been decimated by the Wuhan virus.

This isn’t a time for blame; this is a time to solve this global problem. We are focused on that today. It’s where the G7 members spent all of their time. But every one of the nations that was at that meeting this morning was deeply aware of the disinformation campaign that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in to try and deflect from what has really taken place here.

Today is not the day for recriminations and accountability. We need to make clear that the information that is available to everyone in the world is available. That means full transparency by everyone, including by the Chinese Communist Party. This is a continuing challenge.

We still need good information from the Chinese Communist Party about what has taken place there and the level of the virus that continues inside of that country. We need accurate, transparent information just like we’re demanding from every country around the world.

But there will be a right time. After we’ve managed to address this crisis, after we’ve managed to get these economies back on their feet, there’ll be a time for the world to evaluate responsibility for what took place.







no.24 リプロダクション編 マイク・ポンペオ米国務長官Sec. Of State Mike Pompeo’s Remark on Coronavirus Responsibility はコメントを受け付けていません