
no.36リプロダクション編 ポール・ライアンHouse Speaker Paul Ryan’s RNC Speech


今回のリスニング日和は、2012年米国大統領選挙で共和党のミット・ロムニー候補の副大統領候補だったポール・ライアン下院議長の副大統領候補指名受託演説acceptance speechです。対する民主党はオバマ大統領、そして後に自身も大統領となる当時のバイデン副大統領という現職ペアで、結果、オバマさんの再選が決まりました。ライアンさんは当時下院議長House Speakerで、共和党の下院トップの立場。予算問題に精通する頭の切れる人物ですが、トランプ政権ができて次の選挙に立候補せず議員をやめてしまいました。当時は、そして多分今も、大衆に人気のトランプ氏に賛同して推薦を受けないと選挙で勝てない情勢で、多くの議員が同様に引退をしました。でもこのまま民間にいる人ではないと思いますので、トランプ旋風が過ぎ去ったら、また登場するのかもしれません。将来、彼が大統領になる時に備えて、今回のスピーチでリスニングの練習をしておきましょう!




準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)


①Warming-up Shadowing 

スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイング。録音は不要。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音する。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。


②Short Reproduction 






Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellows citizens, / I am honored by the support of this convention/ for vice president of the United States./ I accept the duty/ to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis /and back to prosperity./ And I know we can do this./ I accept the calling of my generation/ to give our children the America /that was given to us with opportunity for the young and security for the old. / And I know that we are ready. / Our nominee is sure ready./ His whole life /prepared him for this moment./ To meet serious challenges in a serious way. /Without excuses in idle words. /After four years of getting the runaround, /America needs a turnaround/ and the man for the job as Governor Mitt Romney./


③Longer Reproduction

次は1、2文ずつリプロダクションをしていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながら。自分の声を録音する。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していくようにする。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。

Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellows citizens, I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States./ I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity. / And I know we can do this./ I accept the calling of my generation to give our children the America/ that was given to us with opportunity for the young and security for the old. /And I know that we are ready. Our nominee is sure ready./ His whole life prepared him for this moment. /To meet serious challenges in a serious way. Without excuses in idle words. / After four years of getting the runaround,/ America needs a turnaround and the man for the job as Governor Mitt Romney./


④Challenge Reproduction 


Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellows citizens, I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States. I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity. And I know we can do this./

I accept the calling of my generation to give our children the America that was given to us with opportunity for the young and security for the old. And I know that we are ready. Our nominee is sure ready./

His whole life prepared him for this moment. To meet serious challenges in a serious way. Without excuses in idle words. After four years of getting the runaround, America needs a turnaround and the man for the job as Governor Mitt Romney./

リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。


Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellows citizens, I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States. I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity. And I know we can do this.

I accept the calling of my generation to give our children the America that was given to us with opportunity for the young and security for the old. And I know that we are ready. Our nominee is sure ready.

His whole life prepared him for this moment. To meet serious challenges in a serious way. Without excuses in idle words. After four years of getting the runaround, America needs a turnaround and the man for the job as Governor Mitt Romney.

I’m the newcomer to this campaign. So let me share a first impression. I have never seen opponents so silent about their record, and so desperate to keep their power.

They have run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division is all they’ve got left. With all of their attack ads the president is just throwing away money. And he is pretty experienced at that.






no.36リプロダクション編 ポール・ライアンHouse Speaker Paul Ryan’s RNC Speech はコメントを受け付けていません