
no.10リプロダクション編 テリーザ・メイ氏 Final Speech by Prime Minister Theresa May


今回のリスニング日和は、英国のテリーザ・メイさんが首相を辞める時に官邸前で行った最後のスピーチです。夫のPhillipさんを伴いDowning Street(首相官邸がある通りの名前)にて挨拶をしました。簡潔でありながら端正な言い回しを重ねる挨拶、そして、首相以外の皆様も使える汎用性の高い挨拶フレーズがちりばめられています。マスターすればキチンと感のある挨拶ができるようになりますよ。

<1回聞いただけで瞬時に理解する力>を鍛えるリプロダクション編です。 リプロダクションは、英語を再生しながら追いかけて再現するシャドーイングとは異なり、ある程度の長さを聞いたら一旦音声を止めて再現する練習です。通訳訓練の中では難易度の高い類ですが、リスニング日和では一般英語学習者むけに簡単なやり方で進めます。それに、シャドーイング編をしっかりこなした後ならスムーズに出来ますよ。 構文を直観的に理解し英語を頭ごなしに解釈できるようになったら、ネイティブ感覚のリスニング力もすぐそこ。スピーキングの力も伸ばせる練習です。





①Warming-up Shadowing 

スクリプトは見ない。録音は不要。 英語音声を再生。聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音する。激しい運動の前の準備体操。


②Short Reproduction 






I am about to go to Buckingham Palace/

to tender my resignation to Her Majesty the Queen/

and to advise her to ask Boris Johnson to form a new administration./

I repeat my warm congratulations to Boris on winning the Conservative leadership election./

I wish him and the Government he will lead every good fortune/

in the months and years ahead./

Their successes will be our country’s successes/

and I hope that they will be many./

Their achievements will build on the work of nearly a decade of Conservative or Conservative-led government./

During that time/ our economy has been restored, /

our public services reformed, /

and our values defended on the world stage./

Of course, much remains to be done /

the immediate priority being to complete our exit from the European Union/

in a way that works for the whole United Kingdom./


③Longer Reproduction

必要ならスクリプトを確認しながら。自分の声を録音。 1文ずつリプロダクション。英語の構文を意識して聞く。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。

I am about to go to Buckingham Palace to tender my resignation to Her Majesty the Queen/

and to advise her to ask Boris Johnson to form a new administration./

I repeat my warm congratulations to Boris on winning the Conservative leadership election./

I wish him and the Government he will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead./

Their successes will be our country’s successes, and I hope that they will be many./

Their achievements will build on the work of nearly a decade of Conservative or Conservative-led government./

During that time our economy has been restored, our public services reformed, and our values defended on the world stage./

Of course, much remains to be done/

the immediate priority being to complete our exit from the European Union in a way that works for the whole United Kingdom./


④Challenge Reproduction 


I am about to go to Buckingham Palace to tender my resignation to Her Majesty the Queen and to advise her to ask Boris Johnson to form a new administration. I repeat my warm congratulations to Boris on winning the Conservative leadership election./

I wish him and the Government he will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead. Their successes will be our country’s successes, and I hope that they will be many. Their achievements will build on the work of nearly a decade of Conservative or Conservative-led government./

During that time our economy has been restored, our public services reformed, and our values defended on the world stage. Of course, much remains to be done – the immediate priority being to complete our exit from the European Union in a way that works for the whole United Kingdom./


I repeat my warm congratulations to (名前) on winning (賞やプロジェクトなど).

例 I repeat my warm congratulations to Masako on winning the President’s Award.


例 I repeat my warm congratulations to James on successfully completing the project.

I wish (名前、him、her, themなど) and (the teamなど)he will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead.

例I wish her and the team she will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead.

「今後」と言いたい時、“in the future”でも勿論よいですが、“in the months and years ahead”なんてさらっと言えるとぐっと豊かな英語表現になりますよね。使っていきましょう!


Their successes will be our country’s successes, and I hope that they will be many.

our countryをour company やthis projectにすればよいのです。

And as I leave (地名、会社名、チーム名等), my final words are of sincere thanks.


例 As I leave Hanoi, my final words are of sincere thanks.

Finally and most of all, I want to thank (名前等) – who has been my greatest supporter and my closest companion.





I am about to go to Buckingham Palace to tender my resignation to Her Majesty the Queen and to advise her to ask Boris Johnson to form a new administration.

I repeat my warm congratulations to Boris on winning the Conservative leadership election. I wish him and the Government he will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead. Their successes will be our country’s successes, and I hope that they will be many.

Their achievements will build on the work of nearly a decade of Conservative or Conservative-led government. During that time our economy has been restored, our public services reformed, and our values defended on the world stage. Of course, much remains to be done – the immediate priority being to complete our exit from the European Union in a way that works for the whole United Kingdom. With success in that task can come a new beginning for our country – a national renewal that can move us beyond the current impasse into the bright future the British people deserve.

To serve as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the greatest honour. The heavy responsibilities are outweighed by the huge potential to serve your country. But you achieve nothing alone.

And as I leave Downing Street, my final words are of sincere thanks. To my colleagues in Government and Parliament. To everyone in the building behind me and across the Civil Service. To the men and women of our armed forces and security services. And to the public servants in our schools, our NHS, our police and the other emergency services. All are inspired by the noble wish to serve their country in the national interest.

I also want to thank the British people. Everyone who loves our great country, who works hard for their family and wants their children and grand-children to enjoy greater opportunity than they did. Thank you for putting your faith in me and giving me the chance to serve.

This is a country of aspiration and opportunity and I hope that every young girl who has seen a woman Prime Minister now knows for sure that there are no limits to what they can achieve.

Finally and most of all, I want to thank my husband Philip – who has been my greatest supporter and my closest companion.

I think the answer to that is I think no.

I am about to leave Downing Street but I am proud to continue as the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead. I will continue to do all I can to serve the national interest. And play my part in making our United Kingdom – a great country with a great future – a country that truly works for everyone.



新政権は、これまでの10年近くに及ぶ保守党政権及び保守連立政権の仕事を引き継ぐことになります。この間、我が国の経済は回復し、公共サービス改革が行われ、世界の舞台では我々の価値観を守りました。 無論、多くの仕事が残っています。目前の課題は国全体に恩恵をもたらす形でEU離脱を完了することです。 その仕事を成功裏に収めることは我が国に新たな始まりをもたらすでしょう。現在の膠着状態を脱し、英国国民にふさわしい明るい未来へと進む国家の再生です。


ダウニングストリートを去るにあたり、心からの有難うを最後の言葉と致します。 政府と議会の同僚へ。 この建物(官邸)のスタッフはじめ全ての政府職員へ。 イギリス軍及び治安機関の皆さんへ。 学校、NHS国民保健サービス(英国の公立病院システム)、警察等すべての緊急サービスで働く皆さんへ。 彼ら全員、国益のため公僕になろうという崇高な志を胸にする人達です。

また、全ての英国国民にも感謝したいと思います。 私を信じ、奉仕の機会を与えてくださり有難うございます。 偉大な我が国を愛し、家族のため懸命に働き、子や孫が今よりも大きな機会を享受することを願うすべての国民へ感謝を伝えます。





no.10リプロダクション編 テリーザ・メイ氏 Final Speech by Prime Minister Theresa May はコメントを受け付けていません