no.22 リプロダクション編 アンドリュー・クオモNY州知事 NY Governor Andrew Cuomo on His COVID Regrets
今回のリスニング日和は、新型コロナウィルスの感染者が米国で最多となっているニューヨーク州のアンドリュー・クオモ知事のインタビューです。毎日のように記者会見を行い、州民と連邦政府に対策を訴え続けてきました。いつもは早口のクオモ知事ですが、このインタビューはとてもゆっくり。そして文章は短く単純。難しい課題に取り組み続けてきた皆様、今回は少しリラックスして訓練できますよ。歯ごたえなさ過ぎたらゴメンナサイ。クオモ知事には同じ顔した元NY州知事のお父さん(故人)と、やはり同じ顔したニュースアンカーの弟(no3, n04ブティジェッジ氏の回に出てます)がいます。話し方も似てます。では今回も頑張ってください!
<1回聞いただけで瞬時に理解する力>を鍛えるリプロダクション編です。 構文を直観的に理解し英語を頭ごなしに解釈できるようになったら、ネイティブ感覚のリスニング力もすぐそこ。スピーキングの力も伸ばせる練習です。
準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)
①Warming-up Shadowing
スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイング。録音は不要。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音する。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。
②Short Reproduction
Anchor : If you could go back /
and change two things that you did personally,/
what they would be?/
Andrew Cuomo, NY Governor : When we heard in December/
that China had a virus problem and /
China said basically, “It was under control, don’t worry,’ /
we should have worried./
But where was everyone, Jonathan, /
when China says, “Don’t worry.”/
I have a fire in my backyard, /
you don’t hang up the phone and go back to sleep, right?/
You get out of your house /
and you walk two houses over to make sure /
I have the fire under control./
Where was every other country /
walking out of their home /
to make sure China had it under control?/
③Longer Reproduction
次は1、2文ずつリプロダクションをしていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながら。自分の声を録音する。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していくようにする。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。
Anchor : If you could go back and change two things that you did personally, what they would be?/
Andrew Cuomo, NY Governor : When we heard in December that China had a virus problem and China said basically, “It was under control, don’t worry,’ we should have worried. /
But where was everyone, Jonathan, when China says, “Don’t worry.” /
Ihave a fire in my backyard, you don’t hang up the phone and go back to sleep, right?/
You get out of your house and you walk two houses over to make sure I have the fire under control./
Where was every other country walking out of their home to make sure China had it under control?/
④Challenge Reproduction
Anchor : If you could go back and change two things that you did personally, what they would be?/
Andrew Cuomo, NY Governor : When we heard in December that China had a virus problem and China said basically, “It was under control, don’t worry,’ we should have worried. But where was everyone, Jonathan, when China says, “Don’t worry.”/
I have a fire in my backyard, you don’t hang up the phone and go back to sleep, right? You get out of your house and you walk two houses over to make sure I have the fire under control. Where was every other country walking out of their home to make sure China had it under control?/
リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。
Anchor : If you could go back and change two things that you did personally, what they would be?
Andrew Cuomo, NY Governor : When we heard in December that China had a virus problem and China said basically, “It was under control, don’t worry,’ we should have worried. But where was everyone, Jonathan, when China says, “Don’t worry.” I have a fire in my backyard, you don’t hang up the phone and go back to sleep, right? You get out of your house and you walk two houses over to make sure I have the fire under control. Where was every other country walking out of their home to make sure China had it under control?
That was December. January, February, where was everyone? Maybe the United States was waiting for the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization was wating for the National Institute of Health. Or somebody was waiting for the U.N.. I don’t know.
But I wish someone stood up and blew the bugle. And if no one was going to blow the bugle, I would feel much better if I was a bugle blower last December and January, even though no one danced to the music I would feel better sitting here today saying, “I blew the bugle about Wuhan province in January.” I can’t say that.