
no.42リプロダクション編 カービー米国防総省報道官Defense Dept. Spokesperson John F Kirby on Ukraine






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冒頭から 1分半程度を使って練習していきます。

①Warming-up Shadowing 録音なし

スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイングしましょう。録音は不要です。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音します。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。


②Short Reproduction 録音なし






We remain keenly focused /on Russia’s unusual military activities /near the Ukrainian border, including in Belarus,/ and consulting extensively with our transatlantic allies and partners./  The department continues to support diplomatic efforts/ to deescalate the situation./

Now as the president has said,/ even as we continue to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue,/ we must also increase readiness./


③Longer Reproduction 録音あり

次はもう少し長めにきっていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながらでも構いません。自分の声を録音してください。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していきます。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。

We remain keenly focused on Russia’s unusual military activities near the Ukrainian border, including in Belarus, /and consulting extensively with our transatlantic allies and partners./  The department continues to support diplomatic efforts to deescalate the situation./ Now as the president has said, /even as we continue to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue, /we must also increase readiness./


④Challenge Reproduction 


We remain keenly focused on Russia’s unusual military activities near the Ukrainian border, including in Belarus, and consulting extensively with our transatlantic allies and partners./

The department continues to support diplomatic efforts to deescalate the situation./

リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。


We remain keenly focused on Russia’s unusual military activities near the Ukrainian border, including in Belarus, and consulting extensively with our transatlantic allies and partners.  The department continues to support diplomatic efforts to deescalate the situation./

Now as the president has said, even as we continue to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue, we must also increase readiness.  In support of its obligations to the security and defense of NATO and the security of its citizens abroad at the direction of the president and following recommendations made by Secretary Austin, the United States has taken steps to heighten the readiness of its forces at home and abroad so they are prepared to respond to a range of contingencies, including support to the NATO Response Force if it is activated./

As you have heard me describe many times, our commitment to the security of NATO allies and our Article 5 commitment are ironclad.  As the president has also made clear, the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us, our allies, our partners./

As part of that commitment, the Department of Defense maintains significant combat-capable forces forward in Europe to deter aggression and enhance the alliance’s ability to defend allies and defeat aggression if necessary./





no.42リプロダクション編 カービー米国防総省報道官Defense Dept. Spokesperson John F Kirby on Ukraine はコメントを受け付けていません