
no.48リプロダクション編 ブリンケン米国務長官会見 Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on No-Fly Zone over Ukraine


今回のリスニング日和は、米国のブリンケン国務長官の会見です。国務長官というのは外務大臣にあたりますね。ここのところウクライナ危機が続いているので、ニュースもウクライナ一色で、リスニング日和もウクライナばかり。ウクライナがNATO北大西洋条約機構に対し自国上空を飛行禁止にしてほしいと要請しましたが、それは出来ないという理由を説明しています。NATO軍機がロシア軍機を撃墜したら大変なことになるのだそう。それと後半は、エネルギー制裁energy sanctions、つまりロシア産原油を輸入禁止にすることについて話しています。





準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)

①Warming-up Shadowing 録音なし

スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイングしましょう。録音は不要です。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音します。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。


②Short Reproduction 録音なし






 With regard to the no-fly zone, /I think you heard NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg /speak to this earlier today. /  One of the responsibilities we have,/ even as we are doing everything we can/ to give the Ukrainian people/ the means to defend themselves effectively against Russia/, we also have a responsibility,/ as the secretary general said, /to ensure that the war doesn’t spill over even beyond Ukraine./  And again, because I think he put it so well,/ as he noted,/ the only way to actually implement something like a no-fly zone /is to send NATO planes into Ukrainian airspace /and to shoot down Russian planes,/ and that could lead to a full-fledged war in Europe. /President Biden has been clear /that we are not going to get into a war with Russia./


③Longer Reproduction 録音あり

次はもう少し長めにきっていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながらでも構いません。自分の声を録音してください。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していきます。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。

 With regard to the no-fly zone, I think you heard NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg speak to this earlier today./  One of the responsibilities we have, even as we are doing everything we can to give the Ukrainian people the means to defend themselves effectively against Russia,/ we also have a responsibility, as the secretary general said, to ensure that the war doesn’t spill over even beyond Ukraine. / And again, because I think he put it so well, as he noted, /the only way to actually implement something like a no-fly zone is to send NATO planes into Ukrainian airspace and to shoot down Russian planes,/ and that could lead to a full-fledged war in Europe. President Biden has been clear that we are not going to get into a war with Russia./


④Challenge Reproduction 


 With regard to the no-fly zone, I think you heard NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg speak to this earlier today.  One of the responsibilities we have, even as we are doing everything we can to give the Ukrainian people the means to defend themselves effectively against Russia, we also have a responsibility, as the secretary general said, to ensure that the war doesn’t spill over even beyond Ukraine. / And again, because I think he put it so well, as he noted, the only way to actually implement something like a no-fly zone is to send NATO planes into Ukrainian airspace and to shoot down Russian planes, and that could lead to a full-fledged war in Europe. President Biden has been clear that we are not going to get into a war with Russia./

リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。


SECRETARY BLINKEN: With regard to the no-fly zone, I think you heard NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg speak to this earlier today.  One of the responsibilities we have, even as we are doing everything we can to give the Ukrainian people the means to defend themselves effectively against Russia, we also have a responsibility, as the secretary general said, to ensure that the war doesn’t spill over even beyond Ukraine.  And again, because I think he put it so well, as he noted, the only way to actually implement something like a no-fly zone is to send NATO planes into Ukrainian airspace and to shoot down Russian planes, and that could lead to a full-fledged war in Europe. President Biden has been clear that we are not going to get into a war with Russia.

QUESTION:  Are you considering energy sanctions against Russia?  Because realistically, how can the West defeat Putin Ukraine when the West also pays Putin up to $700 million a day in oil, gas, and coal? 

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  There is no strategic interest in reducing the global supply of energy.  The immediate effect would be to raise prices at the pump for Americans and also to pad Russian profits with rising prices. So we’ve been carving out payments for energy trade and transport from the sanctions that we’ve been implementing.  But we have a strong interest – we and our allies – in degrading Russia’s status as a leading energy supplier.  Over time, this would be a profound strategic shift.  That’s why Nord Stream 2 was shut down.  That’s why we’re surging LNG to Europe right now to help accelerate its diversification away from Russian gas.  It’s why we’re denying critical technologies to Russia for further energy exploration going forward through the export controls we’ve put in place.  This is part of a process to reduce reliance, dependence on Russian energy.




no.48リプロダクション編 ブリンケン米国務長官会見 Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on No-Fly Zone over Ukraine はコメントを受け付けていません