no.50リプロダクション編 タイガー・ウッズ 殿堂入り受諾スピーチ Tiger Woods’ Hall of Fame Acceptance Speech
今回のリスニング日和は、ご存じゴルフ界のレジェンド、タイガー・ウッズのスピーチです。ゴルフ殿堂入りの式典で行ったスピーチで、初めてゴルフを始めた子供時代を語ります。人前で楽しい話をするのは手慣れたもので、会場の皆さんも話に引き込まれている様子。小難しい真面目なスピーチではなく、フランクな風合いです。ゴルフで小遣い稼ぎをしたことをお父さんに叱られて、もうしませんというのですが、屁理屈をこねて毎週稼いだ話をしています。15分強あるスピーチの冒頭を使って練習しますが、是非残りの部分もお楽しみください。今回から殿堂入りの対象が以前より引き下げられており、46歳での栄誉となりました。スピーチの前にウッズを紹介するプレゼンターを、娘さんのサムが努めまして、お父さん思わず泣いてしまいました。最初のところでThank you, Samといっているのは、お嬢さんに対する言葉ですね。
準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)
①Warming-up Shadowing 録音なし
スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイングしましょう。録音は不要です。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音します。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。
②Short Reproduction 録音なし
Thank you. Crap, I just lost a bet to Stricker that I wouldn’t cry. Thank you, Sam./
All the inductees, all the people who — all the past Hall of Famers who are here, players,/ the World Golf Hall of Fame committee,/ thank you for inducting me and passing me in here. /Jay, thank you for moving the age down from 50 to 45./
I’m going to start kind of retro,/ so I’m going to go at 6 years old, so 40 years ago./ So at 6 years old I was getting hooked to the game of golf. /My dad was playing, and he was a member /and was able to play at what was called the Navy Golf Course in Long Beach, California. /In order to play as a dependent, you had to be 10 years old or older./ Obviously, I did not fit that criteria./ So in order for me to kind of play in the game, we found a par-3 course at Heartwell Golf Park in Long Beach./
③Longer Reproduction 録音あり
次はもう少し長めにきっていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながらでも構いません。自分の声を録音してください。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していきます。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。
Thank you. Crap, I just lost a bet to Stricker that I wouldn’t cry. Thank you, Sam./
All the inductees, all the people who — all the past Hall of Famers who are here, players, the World Golf Hall of Fame committee, /thank you for inducting me and passing me in here. Jay, thank you for moving the age down from 50 to 45./
I’m going to start kind of retro, so I’m going to go at 6 years old, so 40 years ago./ So at 6 years old I was getting hooked to the game of golf. /My dad was playing, and he was a member and was able to play at what was called the Navy Golf Course in Long Beach, California./ In order to play as a dependent, you had to be 10 years old or older. Obviously, I did not fit that criteria. /So in order for me to kind of play in the game, we found a par-3 course at Heartwell Golf Park in Long Beach./
④Challenge Reproduction
Thank you. Crap, I just lost a bet to Stricker that I wouldn’t cry. Thank you, Sam.
All the inductees, all the people who — all the past Hall of Famers who are here, players, the World Golf Hall of Fame committee, thank you for inducting me and passing me in here. Jay, thank you for moving the age down from 50 to 45./
I’m going to start kind of retro, so I’m going to go at 6 years old, so 40 years ago. So at 6 years old I was getting hooked to the game of golf. My dad was playing, and he was a member and was able to play at what was called the Navy Golf Course in Long Beach, California. In order to play as a dependent, you had to be 10 years old or older. Obviously, I did not fit that criteria. So in order for me to kind of play in the game, we found a par-3 course at Heartwell Golf Park in Long Beach./
リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。
Thank you.
Crap, I just lost a bet to Stricker that I wouldn’t cry.
Thank you, Sam.
All the inductees, all the people who — all the past Hall of Famers who are here, players, the World Golf Hall of Fame committee, thank you for inducting me and passing me in here. Jay, thank you for moving the age down from 50 to 45.
I’m going to start kind of retro, so I’m going to go at 6 years old, so 40 years ago. So at 6 years old I was getting hooked to the game of golf. My dad was playing, and he was a member and was able to play at what was called the Navy Golf Course in Long Beach, California. In order to play as a dependent, you had to be 10 years old or older. Obviously, I did not fit that criteria. So in order for me to kind of play in the game, we found a par-3 course at Heartwell Golf Park in Long Beach.
So my mom took me there, and a pro, Rudy, at the time, my mom was like, hey, can my son play here and practice here a little bit? Okay, let me see him hit a few shots. Well, I hit a few shots, and he says, okay, he’s got unlimited balls. So that’s where I ended up starting playing.
So fast forward a couple years, I’m now 8 years old. I’d be dropped off — one of the great things about playing at Heartwell, they had a tournament every Saturday. So I spent the week practicing at the park right down the street. So my dog Boom-Boom and I, which I named after Freddy, we’d go down to the park. I’d hit balls in the dark, in the grass, through trees, in the sand, through the hula hoops, everything. So my dog, I’d only hit two golf balls. He would go lay down next to each one of them. Well, that’s kind of how I learned to play the game of golf.
Well, at the age of 8, my mom during those tournament days was so supportive and so great, she would give me 75 cents. So 75 cents would allow me to buy a hot dog, and then 25 cents would be used to use the pay phone to call her to come pick me up. If the pay phone swallowed it, I had a backup.
Well, that backup then turned into putting contests, which I ended up pocketing a few more quarters, which led into skins games, which led into dad’s finding out why — okay, how did you get more quarters?
Then he’d say, okay, well, you can’t putt for quarters.
Fine, done, I won’t putt for any more quarters.
I come home a week later, I’ve got a pocket full of dollars.
I told you not to putt for quarters.
I didn’t.
Okay. No more putting for money.
Next week, come home with a pocket full of dollars.
He said, I thought I told you never to putt for money again.
I didn’t. I went out and played skins.