no.60リプロダクション編 マイク・ジョンソン下院議長 就任スピーチMike Johnson speaks after being elected House speaker
今回のリスニング日和は、アメリカ議会下院で新議長に選出されたマイク・ジョンソンさんの就任あいさつです。2023年10月現在アメリカ議会下院the Houseで過半数を持っている=majorityは共和党Republicanなので、共和党の人が下院議長Speaker of the House に当然なるのですが、共和党内で後継者選びをするも、3週間全然決まらず、ゴタゴタしてました。そもそも前任者のケビン・マカーシーさんKevin McCarthyがやめたのも、身内のはずの共和党の人が解任動議を出して、可決されちゃったから。共和党は候補を擁立しても、下院本会議の投票で過半数を集められなかったり、候補に決まった人が辞退しちゃったり・・・ようやっと4人目のジョンソンさんが過半数+3票というギリギリで選ばれた次第です。
準備:ヘッドホンをつける。自分の声を録音するレコーダー。 (英文スクリプトと日本語訳は一番最後にあります。必要に応じプリントアウトして下さい。)
①Warming-up Shadowing 録音なし
スクリプトは見ないでシャドーイングしましょう。録音は不要です。 英語音声を再生し、聞こえてきた音をしっかり声を出して正確に発音します。激しい運動の前の準備体操です。
②Short Reproduction 録音なし
Thak you, all. /First, a few words of gratitude. /I want to thank Leader Jeffries. /I do look forward to working on behalf of American people. /I know we see things from very different points of view. /But I know that in your heart you love/ and care about this country. /You want to do what’s right. /So we are going to find common ground there, all right? /
I want to express my great thanks for our Speaker Emeritus Kevin McCarthy./ Kevin has dedicated over two decades of his life to selfless public service, /16 of those years in this House. /And you would be hard-pressed to find anybody /who loves this institution more and has contributed more to it. /He is the reason we are in this majority today./
His impact would be never overstated./ I want to thank him for his leadership, his friendship, /and selfless sacrifice that you and Judy have made so many years. /You helped build it, Kevin. /We owe you a great dept of gratitude. /
I want to thank the dedicated and overwork staff of this beleaguered House. /
③Longer Reproduction 録音あり
次はもう少し長めにきっていきます。必要ならスクリプトを確認しながらでも構いません。自分の声を録音してください。英語の構文がどうなっているか、意識して聞き、意味を理解していきます。ネイティブ感覚を身につける上で重要なポイントである、to, of, by, など小さな言葉の使い方も真似して身につけて。
Thak you, all. First, a few words of gratitude. I want to thank Leader Jeffries. /I do look forward to working on behalf of American people. /I know we see things from very different points of view. /But I know that in your heart you love and care about this country. You want to do what’s right. /So we are going to find common ground there, all right? /
I want to express my great thanks for our Speaker Emeritus Kevin McCarthy. /Kevin has dedicated over two decades of his life to selfless public service, 16 of those years in this House. /And you would be hard-pressed to find anybody who loves this institution more and has contributed more to it. He is the reason we are in this majority today. /
His impact would be never overstated. I want to thank him for his leadership, his friendship, and selfless sacrifice that you and Judy have made so many years./ You helped build it, Kevin. We owe you a great dept of gratitude. /
I want to thank the dedicated and overwork staff of this beleaguered House. /
④Challenge Reproduction
Thak you, all. First, a few words of gratitude. I want to thank Leader Jeffries. I do look forward to working on behalf of American people. I know we see things from very different points of view. But I know that in your heart you love and care about this country. You want to do what’s right. So we are going to find common ground there, all right? /
I want to express my great thanks for our Speaker Emeritus Kevin McCarthy. Kevin has dedicated over two decades of his life to selfless public service, 16 of those years in this House. And you would be hard-pressed to find anybody who loves this institution more and has contributed more to it. He is the reason we are in this majority today. /
His impact would be never overstated. I want to thank him for his leadership, his friendship, and selfless sacrifice that you and Judy have made so many years. You helped build it, Kevin. We owe you a great dept of gratitude. /
I want to thank the dedicated and overwork staff of this beleaguered House. /
リスニング日和でリスニング習慣、頑張ってください! 以下、スクリプトと抄訳です。
Thak you, all. First, a few words of gratitude. I want to thank Leader Jeffries. I do look forward to working on behalf of American people. I know we see things from very different points of view. But I know that in your heart you love and care about this country. You want to do what’s right. So we are going to find common ground there, all right?
I want to express my great thanks for our Speaker Emeritus Kevin McCarthy. Kevin has dedicated over two decades of his life to selfless public service, 16 of those years in this House. And you would be hard-pressed to find anybody who loves this institution more and has contributed more to it. He is the reason we are in this majority today.
His impact would be never overstated. I want to thank him for his leadership, his friendship, and selfless sacrifice that you and Judy have made so many years. You helped build it, Kevin. We owe you a great dept of gratitude.
I want to thank the dedicated and overwork staff of this beleaguered House.